Editor illustration
ID Name Type
06 Good Mess Visual Design


Sometimes a phrase or a sentence just gets stuck in my head and I just want to find a way to visualize it. And sometimes a phrase just works better in a non-linear fashion. Make it a circle and the phrase has new dimensions..."our tangled mess makes for a good nest", "a good nest our tangled mess makes for", or even something just silly like, "mess makes for a good nest our tangled".

More importantly, we love a design that has very simple building blocks, only to build towards a complex shape. A set of repeating circles, rotated a few times around, and now there's a web of connections.

Also of note, I made this a few years ago and this might be one of the first designs where I used Photoshop. I primarily design in Illustrator, but had to pop into Photoshop to create this bloom effect, which I promptly forgot how to do.

Our tangled mess.